Revenue as Adsense publishers often fluctuate, sometimes down and sometimes also increased. If incomes are rising is certainly happy and no problem, but if it is decreased, you definitely dizzy 9 circumference. Looking for there to here what causes a decrease in your AdSense earnings not
If the drop in AdSense revenue comes from outside of our reach, for example decrease Advertiser intention to advertise, of course we can not do anything. But it is different if it comes from the area range means that the cause is in our own blog or website.
I'll try to describe some of the things that cause the decrease of revenues, among others are:
1. Blog Traffic Down Reviews
If the blog traffic revenue alone dropped course will also go down, who will click on your ad if no visit is not it? Well, if this is the case then attempt to do is increase traffic to your blog or website soon, although not necessarily directly create income rises.
2. Update Articles Reviews
Consistent to update the article: regularly to increase the vocabulary of the keyword or query your blog in circulation, if not regularly update the article no traffic or query is likely to decline, as it then adsense revenue will also fall.
3. Ad Position
ad placement position to be occupied territory "eye catching" so it can be easily tersantap by the visitors to click on your ads. Not too often change the position of the ads, do experiments least 1 week change only once, after the increase is considered appropriate, then stop the change of position.
4. Blog Templates
It is not recommended to change the blog template too often, because it is not favored by search engines. If indeed you wish to change the template Earn the select template lightweight, responsive. Lightweight templates necessary to help loading the ads that would appear to be running perfectly on your blog, so that potential clicks that are generated will be greater.
Well, that is some the drop in AdSense revenue, may be beneficial for you, successful greeting
Sudah belum baca nya gan... ngerti ga ? hehe..
15 komentar
Blog gado gado udah bisa dengan penurunan penghasilan, seperti blog saya ini :'( Karena hanya di waktu waktu tertentu baru mendapat earning yang besar... emang menurut abah, pasang iklan yang mendapat ctr tinggi itu di letakan dimana...
wah nice info
Nice :)
No live link!!! Atuh dilarang nyepam broo..!!!
sama kang fazri, apalagi adsense saya dialihkan ke website satu lagi yg dulu wkt abah daftar adsense tuk sementara krn alasan trafik saja. kalau menurut abah kira - kira di #header-wrapper + #sidebar-wrapper itu juga dah cukup krn berhubungan dgn body tag depan.
mksh kang atas penyemangat nya
amiin semoga ada manfaat nya thank kang dah mampir
ok mksh kang ... selamat pagi saja jgn lupa ngopi hehe..
thank gan salam blogging saja
Saya sudah pasang di bawah judul... cuma itu doang yang ctrnya tinggi. yang lain sedikit banget, kalau GA di pasang "Sticky" melanggar Tos ngga tuh kang...
emang benar sih kang.. soalnya dekat dengan penulusuran hehe.. ga kang klau masalah melanggar cuma yg parah script pop up saja
saya mah engga ngerti bahasa inggris atuh abah, gimana dong caranya?
sama ihh abah geh ga ngerti hehe
terus kenapa atuh abah masih saja nekad bikin artikel bahasa inggris?bahasa sunda ajah atuh biar mudah dicerna sama sayah :D
Biasa supaya sedikit gaya hehe...inya kin mah ngadameul artikel sunda wae
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